The Australian National University
Advanced Imaging and Inverse Methods

Major Research Areas


The group's interests straddle optics, plasma physics, remote sensing, industrial applications and inverse methods.


We have a number of active international collaborations with laboratories in Italy (Consorzio RFX), Germany (Max Plank Institute of Plasma Physics, Greifswald), Korea (National Fusion Research Center) and Japan (JT 60U tokamak).  Most of these are built around our work in coherence imaging and plasma spectroscopy.


We have recently invented and patented a new type of quadrant coherence imager.   Recent results obtained with this instrument are reported here.


Coherence imaging Inverse methods Plasma spectroscopy

Industrial imaging Laser based and microwave systems Supersonic gas injector

For enquiries about this web-page email: John Howard

Please direct all enquiries to: John Howard
Page authorised by: JH

 The Australian National University — CRICOS Provider Number 00120C