The Australian National University
Advanced Imaging and Inverse Methods

Inverse methods


Because of the use of remote-sensing and non-local diagnostic systems, the group has an ongoing interest in the application of advanced signal processing techniques and inverse methods.  Our current areas of interest include tomography of vector fields and strongly scattering sources for applications in human breast cancer imaging using microwaves. The group has made original contributions in the following areas



The development of coherence imaging systems has followed from theoretical investigations  of the Doppler tomography problem where it was shown that certain moments of the Doppler broadened spectral lineshape of transition radiation from an excited atomic or ionic state in a plasma relate in a simple way to spatial line integrals of brightness weighted moments of the species velocity distribution function.  


Imaging the optical coherence has the nice property that measurements of fringe phase and visibility relate in a simply invertible way to fundamental plasma properties.  For a locally drifting isotropic distribution function, and because of the Fourier transform relationship between spectrum and coherence, the drift component separates from the body of the distribution function, being encoded by the interferogram phase (shift theorem), while the shape of the isotropic part is carried by the fringe contrast. 



Recently we have established a collaboration with the Group for Electromagnetic, Bio and Plasma Physics at Chalmers University in Sweden in relation to the use of microwaves for human tissue imaging.  This work is ARC funded and PhD research projects are available.

In this project we investigate the possibility of using microwaves and microwave tomography to detect inhomogeneities in the dielectric constant of human breast tissue. The work contains both theoretical modelling of the forward and inverse problems and the construction and testing of a prototype system.







For enquiries about this web-page email: John Howard

Please direct all enquiries to: John Howard
Page authorised by: JH

 The Australian National University — CRICOS Provider Number 00120C