The Australian National University
Advanced Imaging and Inverse Methods
This page is for miscellaneous links and for download of software and other resources.


3rd year plasma physics course

Coursework notes, problems and past papers for the 3rd-year ANU undergraduate course on plasma physics can be downloaded from the c17 page


GRT3D Gaussian raytrace optical system design software

This software has been developed primarily by Dr George Warr for the purpose of modelling beam paths and propagation in the H-1 scanning interferometer (see typical ouput). The software, which operates under IDL, is available for download


LabVIEW and MDSPlus

We have developed a number of LabVIEW-based software applications for operating our coherence imaging cameras.  These packages use a number of advanced VIs (LabVIEW virtual instruments) which recursively read and write LabVIEW clusters to and from data structures stored in MDSPlus database trees.  If such data structures do not exist in the target tree, they are created and written by the write VI.  These VIs are available on request and will be made publicly available once suitable documentation is completed.


Links to educational material

  • Fusion Energy Educational Web Site
  • Fusion Education at General Atomics
  • Frequently Used Terms in Plasmas Physics and Fusion Energy Research
  • Text books on Fusion
  • A "Virtual" Science Museum Exhibit on Fusion Energy

    For enquiries about this web-page email: John Howard

    Please direct all enquiries to: John Howard
    Page authorised by: JH

     The Australian National University — CRICOS Provider Number 00120C