SP3 has had a long history of involvement with computer modelling of plasma phenomena. In particular the development and use of Particle-in-cell (PIC) techniques for simulation of low pressure, low temperature, radiofrequency plasmas used in materials processing applications.
However, PIC is computationally intensive and are inherently
subject to noise on the density and field distributions. This currently limits simulations
to low pressure systems in which the plasma densities are less than 10^17 /m^3. Most PIC
simulations are one dimensional for the same reason (although the use of faster numerical
techniques and supercomputers has seen the development of higher dimensional codes). In
this sense PIC techniques complement fluid methods, which deal well with coherent behaviour
of bulk populations, but are not so useful for determining non-linear behaviour of small
subgroups (for example the heating of a small fraction of the electron density in the sheaths).
Hybrid models, which incorporate a combination of modelling techniques,
are becoming
increasingly common for more complete simulation of plasma processing systems, and may
include plasma chemistry, plasma-wall interactions and the effect of magnetic fields.
As computers become faster some of the limitations of PIC simulations are being lifted.
PIC codes can be bounded - including walls which determine boundary conditions for the potential solver - or unbounded. In bounded codes modelling plasma processing reactors the boundary conditions can also model external voltage/current sources and LCR "matching" circuits.
Electric fields are solved self-consistently due to the superposition of external (applied) fields and internal fields from charge distributions. This is done by using a non-physical grid across the plasma (the "cell" part of the name) and determining the charge density at each grid position by assigning particles to the grid according to their position, and a weighting scheme. Once the charge density at the grid positions is known the potentials can be calculated using Poisson's equation. Then the electric fields at the grid can be determined and finally fields at the particle positions are determined using an inverse weighting scheme. Particles can then be moved via Newton's equations, using a leap-frog finite differencing method (positions and fields are calculated at integer time-steps, velocities at half time-steps).
Some useful references:
C.K. Birdsall and A.B. Langdon "Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation",
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Singapore (1985).
C.K. Birdsall, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 19, 65-85 (1991).
T. Tajima "Computational Plasma Physics: with Applications to Fusion and Astrophysics"
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. (1989).
The simulation is also being used to investigate time-dependent effects such as the coupling of power into the electrons and ions and the growth of the charged particle densities before, and immediately after, sheath formation. Results from the simulation have been extremely important in building general analytic models of the plasma behaviour (see "Simulation of plasma breakdown in a low pressure rf plasma" ).
The effect on multiple pulses on parameters such as the plasma density, currents, potentials and power coupled into the plasma have also been investigated (see "Pulsing a low pressure rf plasma" ). Pulsed plasmas are of increasing interest in materials processing applications, for improved film properties in deposition and increased uniformity for etching. They have also been used to reduce powder formation in chemical vapour deposition reactors. In order to understand and extend their application in commercial ventures it is essential to understand the physical processes taking place during pulsing.
Currently work is being done on including an "L-series" matching network in the
simulation plasma model. The matching network is used in the experimental system to efficiently
couple power from the generator into the plasma. In the process of doing so the network has a
large influence on the current/voltage waveforms applied to the reactor electrode and hence
on the behaviour of the plasma. In particular during breakdown the plasma impedances are
changing rapidly, which consequently effects the power supplied to the plasma.In order to
better understand how the matching network and the plasma interact, and to better model the
experimental system, it was decided to explicitly include the matching network in a PIC
simulation. Ultimately it is
hoped that by better understanding the influence of the matching network on the plasma formation
and growth, improvements to the circuit design can be made, in particular for pulsed systems
in which the plasma experiences predominately non-equilibrium conditions.