Abstract Format

Contributors should prepare a one page abstract (recommended length 200 - 300 words). The abstract can be submitted by either of two methods:
(1) downloading a Latex document, which is filled in by the author (instructions are included in the document and no formatting is required)
(2) creating an RTF file using the formatting detailed below.

Completed abstracts should be emailed to the conference administrator sp3@rsphysse.anu.edu.au

Authors are encouraged to fill the page and provide key references. If formulae or special symbols are included in the LaTeX document, the correct LATEX commands must be used. If there is some doubt about this a copy of the abstract can be faxed to the conference administrator (fax no:+61 2 6249 2575).

Diagrams may be included in the RTF file, however if they are not transmitted correctly they will be discarded. Diagrams may NOT be included in the LaTeX files.

Format for RTF files:

  • No abstract is to be more than one A4 page.
  • Margins must be 3 cm on the left, all others 2 cm.
  • All text is to be in Times font, double spaced.
  • The title is to be BOLD CAPITALS, centred, size 14 point.
  • A two-line gap should then be inserted before the names of the authors, which are to be bold, centred, size 14 point.
  • A one-line gap should be inserted before the addresses of the authors, which are to be centred, size 12 point. Please include the e-mail address of the prime author.
  • Another two-line gap should then be inserted before the text, which should be size 12 point, right and left justified.

  • An example of the abstract style in RTF format can be downloaded.

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