Professor Nail Akhmediev 
International collaborations
A study of multiparameter families of walking solitons has been done in collaboration with Drs.Mihalache and Mazilu (Institute of atomic physics, Bucharest, Romania). The results on soliton stability in systems with gain and loss in the normal dispersion regime have been obtained in collaboration with Dr. Wabnitz (Univ. Bourgogne, Dijon, France).
A number of important results related to solitons in systems with higher order dispersion have been obtained in collaboration with Dr.Karlsson, (Chalmers Univ.of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden).
Theoretical results on short pulse propagation in birefringent fibers were obtained in collaboration with Prof. Andersen (University of Iowa, USA). The research on incoherent solitons in media with saturable nonlinearity is continuing in collaboration with Dr. Litchinitser and Prof. Agarwal (Inst.of Optics, Rochester, USA).
A study of polarization locking effects is in progress in collaboration with a group of scientists: Dr.Knox and Dr.Collings (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), Dr.Cundiff (JILA, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder) and Prof.Bergman.