Funding Scheme Investigators Title Duration Funding
ARC Discovery Projects H.Xia; M.Shats; H.Punzmann; H.Kellay Transport control in multi-species fluid suspensions 2019-22 $410,000
ARC Linkage Infrastructure J.Soria; M.Shats; H.Xia; N.Francois; Four-dimensional coherent imaging velocimetry facility for fluid mechanics research 2018 $637,800
ANU MEC H.Xia; Liquid Metamaterial Facility for Active Matter and Bacterial Flow Studies 2017 $75,000
ARC Discovery Projects M.Shats; H.Xia; H.Punzmann; N.Francois; G.Falkovich Flow generation on the water surface 2016-20 $551,000
ARC Linkage Projects H.Punzmann; M.Shats; H.Xia; S.Harvey Novel methods of spill containment and debris mitigation on water surfaces 2016-19 $392,000
ARC Discovery Projects M.Shats; H.Punzmann; G.Falkovich Passive and active swimmers in complex flows 2015-18 $419,500
ANU MEC N.Francois; Adding 3-dimensional imaging capability to the fluid facilities at RSPE 2016 $68,000
ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) N.Francois Biofilms in two-dimensional turbulent flows: effects on Lagrangian transport 2016-19 $315,000
ANU MEC H.Xia; Upgrade of experimental facility for fluid and granular medium dynamics 2015 $135,000
ARC Future Fellowship H.Xia Transport barriers in complex turbulent flows: formation, detection and characterization 2014-18 $712,000
ARC Linkage Infrastructure M.Shats; H.Punzmann; H.Xia; Wind profiler network for planetary boundary layer research 2012 $480,000
ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) H.Xia Understanding winds: energy transfer in rotating turbulent fluids 2012-14 $375,000
ARC Discovery Projects M.Shats; H.Punzmann; G.Falkovich Extreme wave events on the water surface 2011-14 $330,000
ARC Discovery Projects M.Shats; H.Punzmann; G.Falkovich Structural transitions in turbulent fluids and plasma through self-organization 2008-11 $360,000
ARC Discovery Projects M.Shats; H.Punzmann; S.Nazarenko New method of remote characterization of hydrocarbon films on the ocean surface through studies of wave turbulence 2008-11 $246,000