VK1SV 6CL6 transmitter

This transmitter was built according to Greg Latta's (AA8V) design. It was built using the rough prototype technique and was used for a single CW QSO (with VK1DSH). The photo below is the back side of the QSL card I have produced for that QSO.

Schematic of the 6CL6 transmitter

The design is practically the same as AA8V's design only I changed the screen voltage to 150 V instead of 200 V by using a single 150 V voltage regulator. This resulted in 2 W of output RF on 3560 kc. It was decided to use the 6CL6 circuit to drive a more powerfull valve, such as the 6146 or 807 and properly build a transmitter. This is described in this page.

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