Dimitris VK1SV at the SRN NDB in Tasmania

VK1SV home page

Welcome to the VK1SV home page. My name is Dimitris and I am a licensed Amateur Radio operator. I also currently hold the callsigns VK2COW, AG7DK (USA) and SV1DET (Greece).

By the way, if you are looking for QSL information for any of the above callsigns, the best way is via VK1SV, direct or via the buro.

I am currently involved in LF experiments in the newly released to amateurs 136 kHz band. I was also involved in the in the 500 kHz (600 m) band propagation study experiment, using the WIA AX2VKY callsign. This license expired on 02/06/2011. The outcome of the last WRC is a new band on 472 kHz.

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