Refereed papers by Vanessa Robins
Most of the links below are via digital object identifiers. [DOI]
If any of the links are unavailable to you please contact me to arrange reprints.
V. Robins, P.J. Wood, and A.P. Sheppard
Theory and algorithms for constructing discrete Morse complexes from grayscale digital images
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (2010) Accepted for publication 21 January 2010.
S.J. Ramsden, V. Robins, and S.T. Hyde.
Three-dimensional Euclidean nets from two-dimensional hyperbolic tilings: kaleidoscopic examples
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography, 2009,
Volume A65, pages 81-108.
The methods behind our EPINET database.
V. Robins.
Betti number signatures of homogeneous Poisson point processes
Physical Review E 74 (2006) 061107.
S.T. Hyde, O. Delgado Friedrichs, S.J. Ramsden, V. Robins.
Towards enumeration of crystalline frameworks: the 2D hyperbolic approach
Solid State Sciences 8 (2006) 740-752.
V. Robins, S. Ramsden, and S.T. Hyde.
A note on the two symmetry-preserving covering maps of the gyroid minimal surface
European Physical Journal B 48:107-111 (2005)
V. Robins, S. Ramsden, and S.T. Hyde
2D hyperbolic groups induce three-periodic Euclidean reticulations
European Physical Journal B 39:365-375 (2004)
Supplementary online material
V. Robins, S. Ramsden, and S.T. Hyde
Symmetry groups and reticulations of the hexagonal H surface
Physica A 339:173-180 (2004)
Supplementary online material
V. Robins, J. Abernethy, N. Rooney, and E. Bradley
Topology and intelligent data analysis
Intelligent Data Analysis 8:505-515 (2004)
V. Robins, N. Rooney, and E. Bradley
Topology-based signal separation
Chaos 14:305-316 (2004)
J.-Y. Arns, V. Robins, A.P. Sheppard, R.M. Sok, W.V. Pinczewski, and M.A. Knackstedt
Effect of Network Topology on Relative Permeability
Transport in Porous Media 55:21-46, (2004)
S.T. Hyde, A.K. Larsson, T. Di Matteo, S. Ramsden, and V. Robins
Meditation on an engraving of Fricke and Klein (The modular group and geometrical chemistry)
Australian Journal of Chemistry 56:981-1000, (2003).
V. Robins
Computational Topology for Point Data: Betti Numbers of Alpha-Shapes
pp.261-275, in Morphology of Condensed Matter: Physics and Geometry of Spatially Complex Systems,
K. Mecke and D. Stoyan (Eds), Lecture Notes in Physics vol. 600, Springer (2002).
[springer link]
V. Robins, J.D. Meiss, and E. Bradley
Computing connectedness: Disconnectedness and discreteness
Physica D 139:276-300, (2000)
V. Robins
Towards computing homology from finite approximations
Topology Proceedings, 24:503-532, (1999)
V. Robins, J.D. Meiss, and E. Bradley
Computing connectedness: An exercise in computational topology
Nonlinearity 11:913-922, (1998)
L. Billings, J.H. Curry, and V. Robins
Chaos in relaxed Newton's method: The quadratic case
Contemporary Mathematics 252:63-70, (1999)
PhD Thesis
Computational Topology at Multiple Resolutions
Submitted June 2000.
Supervised by Jim Meiss and Liz Bradley in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Colorado, Boulder.