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Australian Optical Society Awards
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The Australian Optical Society offers several prizes in recognition of member's achievements.

AOS W. H. (Beattie) Steel Medal

The Australian Optical Society is seeking nominations for the next award of this medal, which is for an outstanding contribution or contributions to the field of optics in Australia by a member of the Australian Optical Society.

This Medal is the most prestigious award of the Australian Optical Society. It would normally be presented only to a nominee at an advanced stage of his or her professional career and with a strong and sustained record of authority, enterprise and innovation in the field of optics in Australia. Previous winners of the medal have been:

	1995:	Mr Bill James
			James Optics, Melbourne

	1996:	Dr Parameswaran Hariharan
			University of Sydney and CSIRO

	1997:	Professor Jim Piper
			Macquarie University

	1999:	Professor Dan Walls
			University of Auckland

	2004:   Professor Ross McPhedran
		        University of Sydney


Nominations for the next AOS Medal should include brief personal details and a curriculum vitae emphasising the main contributions made by the nominee to Australian optics. Two letters of recommendation should also be provided. Nominations may be made either by or on behalf of any eligible candidate. The selection panel reserves the option to seek additional information about candidates for the award.

It is hoped that the person selected to receive the medal will be able to do so at the next AOS Conference.

The closing date for nominations is 15 February.

Nominations should be sent to the Secretary

AOS Postgraduate Student Prize, Closing Date October 31

Call for applications

A. Preamble
The Australian Optical Society wishes to encourage participation in national and international conferences by high-quality postgraduate students. To this end, the Society has instituted an award, the Australian Optical Society Postgraduate Student Prize. Up to one award will be made in each year. This will take the form of a grant to assist the grantee to attend a conference in optics or a related field. The award will be valued at up to $1500. The Society now invites applications from suitably qualified people for this prize for this year.

Previous winners of the medal have been:

	1993:        Duncan Butler
                         School of Physics, University of Melbourne
        1995:        David Balaic
                         School of Physics, University of Melbourne

        1997:        Tanyo Monro
                         School of Physics, University of Sydney
        1998:        Marlies Fiese
                         University of Queensland
                     Justin Blows
                         Maquarie University

        1999:        Daniel Day
                         Optoelectronic Imaging Group, Victoria University

        2000:        Saiedeh Saghafi
                         Macquarie University

        2001:        Winfried Hensinger
                         Physics, University of Queensland

        2002:        Luke Maquire
                         School of Physics, University of Melbourne

        2003:        Joseph Hope
                         Australian National University
        2004:        Ilya Shadrivov
                         Australian National University
                     Thomas White
                         CUDOS, Sydney University
        2005:        Aidan Brooks
        		Adelaide University
        2006:	     Kristy C. Vernon

B. Prerequisites
An applicant and his/her supervisor must be: (1) a member of the Australian Optical Society, (2) enrolled in a postgraduate research degree, with a project in an optically related area. (If there is more that one supervisor, at least one must be a member of the AOS.) Non-members of the AOS may join the Society concurrently with their application for the prize. (Application forms are available in AOS News, or may be obtained from the Treasurer or Secretary). The prize cannot be awarded more than once to any individual.

C. Selection criteria
An applicant must be sufficiently advanced in the research project to have obtained significant results in optics or a related area, such that those results are suitable for presentation at a proposed conference that falls in the twelve month period commencing 1 December. It is expected that the presentation at the proposed conference would take the form of a research paper, invited or contributed, oral or poster. The successful applicant will be expected to write a summary of the conference for AOS News.

Preference will be given in the selection procedures to applicants who intend to use the prize to attend and present their research results at a major conference outside Australia and New Zealand.

It is not essential that the results to be presented should already have been accepted for presentation at the proposed conference at the time of application, but no payment of the prize will be made until evidence of such acceptance is provided to the Society. Applicants are encouraged to provide tangible evidence of the results likely to be presented at the proposed conference (for example, in the form of an outline of a paper that has been accepted or submitted or is being prepared for that conference) and to make clear the benefits that would arise from their attendance at that conference.

The AOS award is not intended to cover the full cost of the applicant's attendance at the proposed conference. Wherever possible, applicants should identify means by which their research group and/or institution is likely to make a substantial contribution to their travel costs. Evidence of any such supplementary support should be provided (for example, by an undertaking in the supervisor's letter of recommendation). However, students with no identifiable supplementary travel support will not be disadvantaged in the selection process.

Since the research supervisor's report is a major factor in the assessment process, supervisors should be prepared to rank their students against the selection criteria if contacted by the selection committee.

D. Application Details

Applications should be sent to the

AOS Technical Optics Award

This award recognises those who have made a significant achievement in technical optics, not necessarily in a manner manifested by an extensive academic record or a traditional academic reputation. The work for which the award is made must have been carried out principally in Australia.

Applications are encouraged from, but not restricted to, young optical workers.

The winner will receive a prize consisting of $300 cash, one year's free membership of AOS, and an invitation to attend the AOS conference and make an oral presentation of his or her work.

Previous winners of the medal have been:

     1995:		Mr Ron Bulla
		           CSIRO Applied Physics

     1997:		Chris Freund
		           CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics.

     2000:		Alex Boiko

     2004		Dr Yabai He
		           Macquarie University

Nominations are now invited from (or on behalf of) suitable candidates, which will be presented at the next AOS Conference.

Details of the applicant's or nominee's activities and achievements should be sent to the Secretary.

Warsash/AOS Student Prize


A prize comprising up to $3000 worth of equipment, or a $3000 discount on the sale price of equipment whose retail price exceeds $3000, will be provided annually by
Warsash Scientific Pty Ltd. for the best student research proposal meeting the criteria laid out below. The equipment will chosen by the winner from that equipment which is normally offered for sale by Warsash.


Students enrolled in a postgraduate degree by research in an Australasian university are eligible to apply for this prize. The student must be a member of the AOS and be in the first or second year of their candidature.


The student must submit a research proposal (maximum 6 pages of 12pt font, including his/her CV) that sets out the aims , methodology, and significance of the proposed research. A brief description of how the Warsash equipment fits into the research plan must be part of the proposal. Two letters of support from an academic referees must accompany the application. One of these must be from the student's supervisor and must include confirmation that the equipment supplied by Warsash will be used appropriately in the proposed experiment.

Applications should be sent to the Secretary.


The applications will be judged on the basis of scientific merit by a panel of three AOS members, convened by the President or Vice-President.

The judging will be based on three factors:

Ownership of equipment

Ownership of equipment that is awarded in this prize will lie with the university in which the student is enrolled.

Due date for applications

Applications will close on the 30th of June each year.

Previous winners of the medal have been:

     2005:		Vijan Sivan

Some past awards relating to the Society:

arrow Keith Nugent awarded the 2004 Victoria Prize arrow 2004 Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding of Science goes to Ken Baldwin arrow One of the latest recipients of a Victoria Fellowship in the Victoria Prize awards, Dr Arnan Mitchell, is a member of the AOS You can find out more at: arrow An update on Federation Fellowships: Federation Fellowships have just been announced to Hans Bachor, Barry Luther-Davies and Gerard Milburn of the AOS. These join Yuri Kivshar, and other colleagues closely affiliated with the Society, and our Past President Keith Nugent from the first and second rounds. Congratulations from all of us. We note that this includes a recognition of the strength of research in Optics in Australia generally.

The AOS acknowledges the support of Macquarie University in hosting these pages.
Please send all comments or suggestions to Christopher Chantler

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