Sarah Hatch

Current Research

My PhD project is the investigation of the microstructure of thin films which have been produced using the HARE (helicon activated reactive evaporation device). At the moment, I am interested in the plasma oxidation of crystalline and amorphous silicon (a-Si). The a-Si films are formed by evaporating silicon in HARE (no plasma).

I have been using a spectroscopic ellipsometer (J.A. Woollam M-44 WVASE) to monitor the thin films in situ. The ellipsometer measures psi and delta, which are the conventional ellipsometric angles. Various optical models, such as the Cauchy model, Bruggeman's effective medium approximation (BEMA) and standard optical data (for example, Si02) can be used to fit the experimentally obtained psi and delta data. The thickness of the film, and also the optical constants, n and k, can then be determined.

SiO2 films are generally quite easy to model. However, the a-Si films have been quite difficult to model and more work needs to be done on correlating other analyses (such as RBS and SIMS) with the results from the ellipsometer.

I have also measured ex situ the composition and thickness of SiO2 films deposited in HARE with the ellipsometer. The Si02 films were deposited by reacting evaporated Si (using an electron beam) with oxygen in the HARE device with a plasma. The films that I've looked at so far were prepared by Dr Antoine Durandet and Dr Craig Davis.

Not Work

Tiki the InterRat
The Great Balloon Experiment of April 1st 1996


     Sarah Hatch
     SP3 Group
     Plasma Research Laboratory
     Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering
     The Australian National University
     Canberra ACT 0200

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Last Edited: 18/6/97