First and foremost in my outside-work activities are my cats, and since they're so special to me they get their own page. I also enjoy digging in the gardening (the cats love to help out here), although only the hardiest plants survive in our backyard, since the soil is almost pure clay and some bright spark planted 5 big tall gum trees which keep everything in the shade most of the day . Of course it's nothing to do with my gardening skills!As well as cute furry creatures I'm also facinated by frogs and snakes and someday I might get around to putting some pictures of my favorites in on here.
One of the great things about living in Canberra is that it's so convenient for outdoor activities. I love cycling and bushwalking and just being able to walk out my backdoor and see the mountains. If you're similarly inclined you might like to look at the ANU Mountaineering Club home page.
Some of my more sedintary non-work activities include :
Long lazy Saturday mornings at Tilleys reading the newspaper and drinking hot chocolate or iced tea (depending on the time of year), going to films reading - fiction, science fiction, biographies, wildlife, geology ... you name it! I'm also interested in Antarctica, since my partner Darryn recently spent 16 months there. You should look his web page if you want to find out about some of his activities there. Or if you want to know more about what Australia in general is doing in Antarctica have a squiz at the Australian Antarctic Division home page.