ANU > RSPhysSE > mxk121 > Research > Data

Useful Data

  1. Conversion table for length units

  2. Conversion table for area units

  3. Conversion table for volume units

  4. Conversion table for weight units

  5. Conversion table for pressure units

  6. Conversion table for speed units

  7. Conversion table for energy units

  8. Periodic table with atomic weight

  9. Periodic table with ionisation energies

  10. Periodic table with electron affinities

  11. Periodic table with atomic radii

  12. Periodic table with ionic radii

  13. Bond length and enthalpy

  14. Molecular weight and standard enthalpy of formation

  15. Density of water

  16. Vapour pressure of water

  17. Terrestrial pressure and temperature

  18. Fish! Fish! Fish!

  19. Bird! Bird! Bird!

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