ANU > RSPhysSE > mxk121 > Origami
Geometrical origami using A4 paper created by Mitsu Kono
- Six-rings cane-ball
— Sepak tackraw woven ball.(maybe already published somewhere *)- Ten-rings cane-ball
— Kagome ball.(You can find numerous ball patterns in Japanese TEMARI. **)- ∞(infinity) and Möbius ∞(infinity)
— Ci and C2 symmetries.
- Crossed Möbius strips
— S4 symmetry.
- Magic cards (XYZ rectangles)
— Th symmetry.(maybe already published somewhere *)- Icosahedron propped by the "magic cards".
- Soccer ball box
— Two-piece truncated icosahedron.
- Octagonal cup.
- Other.
* The author was not aware of (Yami Yamauchi), (Francis Ow), and (Kunihiko Kasahara, Extreme Origami, ISBN 0806988533/1402706022).** For example,
Polyhedra made with modular origami units using A4 paper (probably the easiest way) ***
- Tetrahedron.
- Hexahedron (cube).
- Octahedron.
- Dodecahedron.
- Icosahedron.
- Rhombic dodecahedron.
- Skeletal cube.
- Skeletal octahedron.
- Skeletal dodecahedron.
- Skeletal icosahedron.
- Ten-piece dodecahedron.
- Ten-piece truncated-icosahedron (soccer ball).
- Sunken icosahedron.
- Tetrakis hexahedron.
- Snub dodecahedron.
- Rhombic triacontahedron.
- Pentakis dodecahedron.
- Skeletal cuboctahedron
- Skeletal icosidodecahedron
*** These are designed by the author, but supposed to be the same as some models published somewhere, e.g., (David Mitchell, Mathematical Origami, ISBN 1-899618-18-X) which the author found recently (1/Mar/07).
Origami polyhedra using A4 paper (using single sheet without cutting)
Classical origami
- How to make a 30°(π/6) angle.
- How to make a 36°(π/5) angle. ****
- How to divide a sheet of paper into equal parts.
**** The author's method.
Learn group theory by origami
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