ANU > RSPhysSE > mxk121 > CV

Curriculum Vitae


Mitsuhiko Kono

Educational Qualifications

Mar. 1990
B.S., Chemistry, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
Mar. 1992
M.S., Chemistry, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
Sep. 1995
Ph.D., Photochemistry, Institute for Molecular Science, Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan

Work Experience

Apr. 1990 - Mar. 1991
Tanabe High-School, Kyoto, Japan
Apr. 1995 - Oct. 1995
Institute for Molecular Science, Japan
Oct. 1995 - Dec. 1996
University of Bristol, UK
Jan. 1997 - Apr. 1998
University of Tokyo, Japan
May 1998 - Mar. 2000
Solar-Terrestrial Environment Lab, Japan
Apr. 2000 -
Australian National University, Australia


High-school teacher, Japan
Car licence, ACT
Japan UK

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