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Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering

Department of Applied Mathematics

Mark A. Knackstedt

Australian Research Council QE II Fellow

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Curriculum vitae
Applied Maths, RSPhysSE
Phone: (06)-249-2495 FAX: (06)-249-0732
PRESENT APPOINTMENT: ARC QEII Fellow Australian National University
Department of Applied Mathematics, RSPhysSE joint with University of
New South Wales Centre for Petroleum Engineering.
Properties and characterisation of composite materials. Flow,
Fracture and Displacement properties of Sedimentary Rock. Fracture
properties in Disordered Materials. Statistical Mechanics of Fluids.
Application of parallel processing to geophysical problems.
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Rice University
September 1990 B.S., Chemical Engineering, Columbia University May
ARC PostDoctoral Fellow Nov 1993-June
1996 Australian National University Department of Applied Mathematics
Rothmans Foundation Fellow Nov 1992-Nov 1993 Australian National
University Department of Applied Mathematics RSPhysSE Post-Doctoral
Fellow Nov 1990-Nov 1992 Australian National University Department of
Applied Mathematics
VISITING FELLOW July-August 1992 Supercomputer
Institute, HLRZ, KFA-Julich, Germany
September-December 1991 University of Melbourne Department of
Mathematics Welch Foundation Fellow December 1985-October 1990 Rice
University Department of Chemical Engineering
SUPERVISORY COMMITMENTS: Dr A. P. Roberts: Thesis Title: Diffusion Controlled
Growth and transport in composite material. Completed: January 1995
Current Position: Lecturer, Applied Mathematics, Faculty of
Environmental Sciences, Griffith University. Dr X. Zhang: Thesis
Title: Fracture and flow in Disordered Materials Completed: January
1996 Current Position: Research Fellow, Australian Petroleum CRC,
Flow and Displacement Studies in Heterogeneous Reservoirs Partner: 
Prof. W.Val Pinczewski, Australian Petroleum CRC, Dr. L. Paterson 
and Dr. S.L. Painter Australian Petroleum CRC and 
CSIRO Division of Petroleum Resources.
Polymer Composite Morphology and Properties Partners: 
Dr. A. Uhlherr, CRC for Polymer Blends, CSIRO Clayton, VIC, 
Dr. Z. Stachurski, Engineering, Dept., The Faculties, 
Dr. U. Faul, Research School of Earth Sciences.
Computational Studies of Fluid Flow in Porous Media 
Partner: Prof. M. Sahimi, Chemical Engineering, University of 
Southern California,U.S.A. 
Experimental Studies of Flow in Model Porous Media
Partner: Prof. Gan, Chemistry Department, University of Singapore,
Dr. Tim Senden, Research School of Chemistry, Ms. Charlotte Mattison,
Chemical Engineering, University of Lund, Sweden, Prof. M. Sahimi,
Chemical Engineering, University of Southern California, U.S.A.
Dynamic Fluid Flow in Ore-forming systems 
Partner: Prof. S.F. Cox, Geology Department, University of Newcastle. 
Properties of Model Anisotropic Solids Partner: Prof. M. Teubner, 
Max Planck Institut. Biophysikalische Chemie, Germany, Dr. A.P. Roberts, Environmental
Science, Griffith University, Prof. S. Marcelja, Applied Maths, Res.
School of Physical Sciences. 
Correlating microstructure to flow properties of Rocks 
Partner: Dr. E. Garboczi, Dale Bentz, Building Materials Division, 
National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S.A., 
Dr. A.P. Roberts, Environmental Science, Griffith University.
Diffusion in Microstructured Media 
Partner: Dr M. Monduzzi, Chemistry
Department, Univ. of Cagliari, Italy, Prof. B.W. Ninham, Applied
Maths, Res. School of Physical Sciences. 
Polymeric Blends as Model Disordered Media 
Partner: Prof. Gan, Chemistry Department, University
of Singapore, Prof. B.W. Ninham, Applied Maths, Res. School of
Physical Sciences. 

  1. "Nonuniversal field dependence of the critical behavior of the interface between fluid phases in two dimensions," M. Knackstedt and M. Robert,J. Chem Phys. 89, 3747 (1988).
  2. "Block cluster theory of site percolation on the four- and five-dimensional ordinary hypercubic lattices", M. Knackstedt, J. McCrary, B. Payandeh and M. Robert, J. Phys. A 21, 4067 (1988).
  3. "External field effect on the critical behavior of the interface between fluid phases", M. Knackstedt and M. Robert, Intern. Journ. Thermophys. 10, 321,(1989).
  4. "Crossover from capillary-wave to van der Waals regime for fluid interfaces in two dimensions very close to the critical point", L.J. Chen, M. Knackstedt and M. Robert, J. Chem. Phys., 93, 6800, (1990).
  5. "Fluid interface in two dimensions close to the critical point", L-J Chen, M. Knackstedt, M. Robert, and K. Shukla, Physica 172A, 53 (1991).
  6. "On the Universality of Geometrical and Transport Exponents of Rigidity Percolation", M. Knackstedt and M. Sahimi, J. Stat. Phys, 69, 887-893 (1992).
  7. "The Effect of Permeability Heterogeneity on Viscous Fingers in Porous Media, M. Knackstedt and M. Sahimi in Complex Systems '92, (IOS Press, Amsterdam) pp.131-140 (1993).
  8. "Pattern Formation in Physical and Biological Growth, A.P. Roberts and M. Knackstedt in Complex Systems '92, (IOS Press, Amsterdam) pp.55-68 (1993).
  9. "Cellular Automata Calculation of Frequency-Dependent Permeability of Porous Media", M. Knackstedt, M. Sahimi and D.Y.C. Chan, Phys. Rev. E. 47, 2945-2950 (1993).
  10. "Growth in Non-Laplacian Fields", A.P. Roberts and M. Knackstedt, Phys. Rev. E. 47, 2724-2728 (1993).
  11. "Hitting Probabilities of DLA aggregates", A.P. Roberts and M. Knackstedt, Phys. Rev. E. 48, 4143-4144 (1993).
  12. "No viscous fingers in heterogeneous porous media", M. Knackstedt and M. Sahimi, J. de Physique I, 4, 1269-1274 (1994).
  13. "Direct Evaluation of length scales and structural parameters associated with flow in porous media", M. Knackstedt and X. Zhang, Phys. Rev. E, 50, 2134-2138 (1994).
  14. "Model disordered media provided by Ternary Microemulsions", M. Knackstedt and B.W. Ninham, Phys. Rev. E, 50, 2839-2843 (1994).
  15. "Ternary Microemulsions as Model Disordered Media", M. Knackstedt and B.W. Ninham, AIChE Journal, 41, 1295-1305 (1995).
  16. "Percolation and the Pore Geometry of Crustal Rocks", M. Knackstedt and S.F. Cox, Phys. Rev. E. Rapid Communications, 51, 5181-5184 (1995).
  17. "Diffusion in Model Disordered Media", M. Knackstedt, B.W. Ninham and M. Monduzzi, Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 653-656 (1995).
  18. "Mechanical and Transport properties of model foamed solids", A.P. Roberts and M. Knackstedt, J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 14, 1357-1359 (1995).
  19. "Direct Measurement of Electrical and hydraulic tortuosity in porous media", M. Knackstedt and X. Zhang, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 2235, (1995).
  20. "Structure of Perfluoropolyether microemulsions", M. Monduzzi, M. Knackstedt and B.W. Ninham, J. Phys. Chem., 99, 17772-17777 (1995).
  21. "Correlations and thermodynamic coefficients in assymetric electrolytes", M. Knackstedt and B.W. Ninham, J. Phys Chem., 100, 1330-1335 (1996).
  22. "Morphology and Macroscopic Properties of Conducting Polymer Blends", M. Knackstedt and A.P. Roberts, Macromolecules, 29, 1369-1371 (1996).
  23. "On the Universality of Fracture Surface Roughness", M. Knackstedt, D.Y.C. Chan and L. Paterson, Europhys. Lett., 34, 121-124 (1996).
  24. "Simple Permeability Model for Natural Granular Media", M. Knackstedt and J.P. Du Plessis, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 1609-1612 (1996).
  25. "Structure-property correlations in model composite materials," A.P. Roberts and Mark A. Knackstedt, Phys. Rev E., 54, 2313-2327 (1996).
  26. "Patterns of Fluid Flow in Naturally Heterogeneous Rocks", L. Paterson, Scott Painer, M. Knackstedt, and W.V. Pincewski, Physica A., 223, 619-628 (1996).
  27. " Transport and Mechanical properties of fractal media", A.P. Roberts and M. Knackstedt, Physica A., 223, 848-858 (1996).
  28. "Fluid Flow across mass fractals and self-affine surfaces", X. Zhang, M. Knackstedt and M. Sahimi, Physica A 223, 835-847 (1996).
  29. "Transport Properties in Fractured Porous Solids", C. Mattisson, Tim J. Senden and Mark A. Knackstedt, Geophys. Res. Lett.,24, 495 (1997).
  30. "Correlating Microstructure to the Petrophysical Properties of Porous Rocks", Soc. Petroleum Eng. Journal, to appear.

Manuscripts submitted:

  1. "Fracture in Heterogeneous Three Dimensional Materials" M. Knackstedt, , D.Y.C. Chan, L. Paterson, and X. Zhang, Phys. Rev. B.
  2. "Percolation and the Static Metamorphism of Crustal Rocks: A percolation approach", M. Knackstedt and S.F. Cox, J. Geophys. Res.
  3. "Prediction of Properties of Microstructured Porous Media", M. Knackstedt and A.P. Roberts, Geophys. Res. Lett.
  4. "Effective Properties of Composite Materials with model microstructures, A.P. Roberts and M. Knackstedt, Phys. Rev. E.
  5. "Fluid Flow between Self-Affine Fracture Surfaces", X. Zhang, M. Knackstedt and M. Sahimi, Water Res. Research.
  6. "Cross Property Relationships for flow in Porous Media", M. Knackstedt and X. Zhang, Phys. Rev. E.

Industrial Collaborations:


Mark Knackstedt
Wed Dec 17 22:53:56 EST 1997