
Ed Simpson is a physicist at the Australian National University researching nuclear reactions and their applications.


My research spans the theory and measurement of nuclear collisions, applied to a wide range of topics including:

  • Nuclear fusion
  • Nuclear structure
  • Radiation effects in space
  • Hadron therapy
  • Astrophysics

A detailed list of publications can be found on ORCiD, Publons and Google Scholar. A list of current student projects can be found on the Research School of Physics website. If you're interested in research in any of these areas, don't hesitate to contact me using the links at the bottom of the page.

Nuclide Charts

The nuclide chart is one of the key tools in nuclear physics. Much like the periodic table brings order to the properties of the chemical elements, the nuclide chart lets us understand the trends in properties of nuclei. It displays nuclear properties as a function of the number of protons (Z) and neutrons (N). I have designed and built two nuclide charts with the express aim of making them look good and provide an easy means to produce image and video files that can be used in publications and outreach materials.

Both charts use the same data taken predominately from the 2016 Atomic Mass Evaluation and Nubase publications. Some data is also taken directly from ENSDF. Links to other data sources are available from within the charts. The Colourful Nuclide Chart allows export of 2D chart images to PDF and PNG files. The The 3D Nuclide Chart allows exporting of 3D images to PNG files, to an STL model, or to video to generate fly-bys.

If you find these nuclide charts useful, then please tell your colleagues. If you need help producing specific images or videos, if you find any bugs, or have any feature suggestions then please contact me.


Heavy Ion Accelerator Virtual Tour

I work at the Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility, Australia's largest ion accelerator. We welcome hundreds of students to the lab every year for tours of the lab. However, for those living outside of Canberra I developed an online tour of the facility. The tour includes 360° images of the lab, including the middle of the main 15 million volt accelerator. Take a tour of Australia's largest ion accelerator.

Public Talks

I regularly give public talks at Physics in the Pub events organised by my colleague Phil Dooley. A recent example from an event in Sydney can be found here. WARNING: the occasional expletive and appalling lighting. I have also given talks and schools, mentored student projects and judged high school science competitions. If you're after a scientist, I'm more than happy to help!
