
We spent some time on this as we would be living in it for over 3 months and a reasonable amountof comfort was needed. The weights ranged from 6 kg. For a minimalist camping tent to over 20 kg. for the Taj Mahal. Rod eventually required a tent he could stand up in and Christine required mozzie screens on all windows and doors. This left us with the Great Outdoors Soverign Delux weighing in at 14 kg. with a completely separate inner tent with a large vestibule defined as adequate for 6 people (very friendly people!). The construction was geod esic meaning there were two diagonal cross poles with a couple of secondary poles which make up the 'geodesic' part. The forst attemp to erect it took over an hour but this came down rapidly to 20 minutes as we came to accostomise ourselves to the tasks. The vestibule took all the equipment in the evenings leaving sufficient room to move about and the inner tent was really huge. Finally, as we did not have to carry it, it was a great investment at around $550.