Rod's Story of the Great Millenium Trip

Whole Story

Christine's Story

Photo Album

Technical Page

Rod Boswell

Rod Boswell was brought up and educated in Adelaide, South Australia. Finishing his physics Doctorate in 1970 he spent the 1970s in Europe, firstly at the University of Sussex, then the European Space Agency in Holland and the final three years in Munich at the Max Plank Institute. During this formative period of his youth he lead a rock band, built a car, ran a new age printing press, edited a newspaper, surfed, played squash and skied. In later life he settled down and got a job at the Australian National University where he is now Professor and Head of the Space Plasma and Plasma Processing group. He is co-inventor of the WEDGE, a walk in virtual reality theatre and is working on stereo video conferencing on the WEB. During his spare time he still surfs, plays squash, skis and writes lyrics. And consults to companies in Silicon Valley.

Latest from the trip

Rod has been writing the common story which we discuss before and after writing. I have been mainly occupied with the pictures. I thought of doing Rod's page for him as a giggle, but it never had time and energy to do it. We have started the technical page but that will be continued after the trip. Rod has got all his energy calculations ready and they sound pretty simple and logical. This is after the event and after experimenting with all the toys. When we asked questions to people or read the manuals before the trip we could never get any reasonable answers, now it all makes sense.

Whole story

It is only 5 days to go and the weather has improved somewhat. At least it has stopped raining; a famous Threadbo skiing phrase. Oh dear, Two days to go and it seems that Wednesday will mark the commencement of the deluge. Bugger.