The Network Generation Comparison Forum

A collaborative project for objective comparison of network generation algorithms for 3D tomographic data sets of porous media

This site aims to provide a forum for research groups working on network representation of porous media to compare network generation algorithms by testing against a number of "benchmark" images of porous materials. Comparison is in terms of criteria relevant to modelling of transport properties of porous materials, particularly for use of the network in multiphase fluid flow simulations. Network modellers are encouraged to run their algorithms on these data sets and submit the resultant networks along with a description of the algorithm.



Network simulations have become established tools for the simulation of two-phase fluid flow in porous materials. The method usually consists of extracting a network and relevant pore size information from a 3D data set of a porous material such as a rock, then using a ball-and-stick network model to simulate the flow properties. The guiding idea, for the situation where a non-wetting fluid invades the rock pore space under external pressure (often called drainage), is that the phase interface advances through the pore space according to the relationship between capillary pressure and tunnel (or throat) diameter.

This approach assumes that the labyrinths of porous materials are well represented by a ball-and-stick network. These assumptions are wrong, as only rather special labyrinth geometries can be effectively partitioned into the balls and sticks of a network. Additionally, it is extremely rare to find a pore space for which there is only one suitable network representation. A simple example is a throat with bone-like cross-section; the location of the path of the network edge corresponding to this throat can be defined in a variety of ways: in either of the two maximally wide sides of the bone, through the narrow center, or (if homotopy equivalence of network and pore space is abandoned) there may even be two edges, one through either of the two sides. Pore labyrinths where the definition is not unique are not an exeption, but the general case. Because of this ambiguity, comparison of different network algorithms that handle these cases differently is imperative.

A second major difference between network generation algorithms is the post-processing of the initially extracted network. Most networks extracted from empirical data sets exhibit features that are induced by noise or by details of the geometry that are irrelevant for the flow (simulation). A typical example is that of a single non-convex pore that yields a number of pores connected by very small edges, none of which can be considered to represent a genuine throat. In this case, one may want to merge these pores to a single pore. The details of post-processing procedures such as these can however influence the macroscopic properties of the eventual network.

As there is no perfect network definition or algorithm, it is paramount to have independent and objective comparison of the networks generated by the different proposed algorithms. This is what this forum aims to provide.

Furthermore, it is often particular geometric labyrinth configurations that cause problems for network algorithms. To provide a list of small synthetic model datasets that capture geometrically peculiar situations is an additional aim of this forum.

How to contribute

Participation is open to everyone. There are a number of ways to be involved:

Representative porous media data sets

The following four datasets were chosen as reference data sets because they are reasonably different from one another, and span a reasonable range of the materials that are traditionally analysed using network simulations.

Each data set is a cubic segmented image 512 voxels to a side. It is stored as a raw binary file, with one byte (or unsigned character) per voxel. Byte ordering is therefore irrelevant, so the files can be read without alteration on all CPU types. Voxels are set to 1 to indicate solid phase, 0 to indicate void phase. The files are compressed with gzip; the uncompressed files should be exactly 512x512x512 = 134217728 bytes, or 128MB.

Click on the images for more detailed descriptions and for download of the corresponding data files.

(1) Silica sphere pack
(2) Castlegate sandstone
(3) Unconsolidated Sand Pack
(4) Mt Gambier Limestone

Measuring network quality

The generated networks will be compared using the following measures (currently six) that are generally accepted to be relevant to network modeling of two-phase flow in porous materials. Discussion is invited on the merits of these measures, and how best to characterise and evaluate the networks that have been created. The forum hopes to develop software to evaluate these measures.

(a) Visualisation
(b) Pore-size distribution and aspect ratio
(c) Convexity and roughness measure
(d) Coordination number distribution
(e) Permeability of the network and image
(f) Mercury injection and relative permeability for defined contact angle

Boundary conditions: Depending on the geometry of the sample, the spatial characteristics of the labyrinth and the network generation algorithm, the effect of the boundary of the sample on the generated network will vary. Therefore the measures should only be calculated on those pores and throats that do not connect to the object boundary.

Results: Generated networks

Author and date Method Brief description and reference

A repository of difficult (pathological?) cases

Network extraction algorithms are based on the assumption that a pore space can be effectively decomposed into components, and thus represented by a network of nodes and links. Typically, the decomposition is more successful for pore spaces that consist of large pore bodies connected to each other through narrow constrictions or throats. As a consequence, there are numerous situations where network extraction algorithms perform badly, or produce unexpected results. Often such cases are then labelled as pathological, although this term is misleading since the unambiguously partitionable object is the exception rather than the rule.
A published list of such pathological cases is currently missing, yet it would be a most valuable tool for network algorithm developers. The following list aims to fill that gap.
The following examples are synthetic models, although they may be derived from situations observed in empirical data sets of real porous materials. Anyone wishing to contribute a pathological case to the repository is asked to distill the essence of the problem, and create a synthetic model that pin-points the difficulty.
Gyroid Three-periodic Gyroid labyrinth
A model labyrinth with a well-defined three-connected network and the peculiar property that the nodes of the network are inflection points (rather than maxima) of the Euclidean distance map whereas the maxima are located at the mid-points of the edges. The Gyroid labyrinth is periodic in three dimensions with cubic symmetry and is very homogeneous in terms of channel diameter variations. The interface between solid and pore space is a minimal surface.

Contributed by Gerd Schroeder ( on Oct 6, 2005.