Internals ========= Static internal values ---------------------- The following are set when the pyfusion module is imported, and are not designed to be changed by the user. PYFUSION_ROOT_DIR ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A string containing the directory where the pyfusion module resides. LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. TODO: should pyfusion.logger be :mod: ?? .. TODO: link pyfusion.logger to its own doc page. Filename of the configuration file used to set up :mod:`pyfusion.logger`. VERSION ^^^^^^^ Pyfusion version, as returned by :func:`pyfusion.version.get_version`. DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Location of file containing default pyfusion configuration. USER_PYFUSION_DIR ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Location of user's pyfusion directory. On linux this will be ``$HOME/.pyfusion`` USER_CONFIG_FILE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Location of user's pyfusion configuration file. On linux this will be ``$HOME/.pyfusion/pyfusion.cfg`` USER_ENV_CONFIG_FILE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is set to the value of the ``PYFUSION_CONFIG_FILE`` environment variable, which supersedes ``USER_CONFIG_FILE`` and ``DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE``.